

Working with the University’s Public Affairs Office to produce press releases will enable you to receive maximum on- and off-campus exposure. In order to receive assistance in promoting University-sponsored events and programs, draft information or outline the facts, and then call (323) 343-3050 for an appointment. Public Affairs can provide sample press releases and assistance in formatting the release to prepare them for media distribution. (Note: Press releases are usually sent 3-4 weeks before the 日期 of the event, so remember to plan far ahead.)

Contact the Public Affairs Office at (323) 343-3050. Provide the University event title, 日期, time, 位置, 简要描述, list of sponsors and information phone numbers for possible inclusion. This information will be placed on the 加州大学洛杉矶分校 Calendar of Events. Send this information as early as possible.

Evaluate 如何 various segments of the public perceive your group:

  • How is our group viewed by its membership?
  • How is our group viewed by the students, faculty, and administration?
  • How is our group viewed within the local community?
  • What could be done to enhance our public image?

Proper Publicity Planning Leads to Positive Results

Before you begin your publicity campaign you should carefully consider the following:

  1. Budget – How much can you spend?  What are the costs involved?  Always prepare a budget in advance.
  2. Audience – Who do you want to reach and 什么 is the best way to reach them?  Publicizing to non-students may be an entirely different task than publicizing to students.
  3. Information – Make sure you have all of the needed information (Who, What, Where, When, Cost, etc.) before you prepare your publicity materials.
  4. 资源 – Identify your resources - people, talent, material, etc.
  5. Location – Where will your materials get the most attention?  Choose high traffic areas and give thought to placing your advertisements in different/unusual places.
  6. Schedule – How much time do you have?  Are there deadlines that must be met?  The optimum time to begin advertising is 2 - 3 weeks before the activity.  Write up a calendar with deadlines to help you keep on track.
  7. Campus publicity procedures-Please consult with the Use of Facilities Team, Center for Student Involvement, and ASI regarding approved 发布 位置s and materials.

To ensure a well-attended program, brainstorm possible publicity strategies.  思考 you wish to attract to the event, 如何 to get your intended audience’s attention, 你想要开始 什么 type of budget you have for publicity.  Be sure to submit an Event Registration Form prior to distributing, 发布, or placing on the web any publicity for the event.

  • 思考 如何 to attract both commuter and on-campus students to the event.  Publicity should be included in areas that make the most students see it.
  • If the event is particularly relevant to students of a certain major make sure you advertise in areas of campus where their classes are held.
  • Provide as much information as possible to attract students.  事件是否免费??  如果有,请列出.  If not, list the amount of the fee.  Will refreshments be provided?
  • Word of mouth is an effective supplement to formal publicity.  Make announcements to friends and classmates.  These serve as personal invitations and may encourage others to attend.
  • Student organizations are responsible for not damaging campus facilities 当 advertising events. Please consult with CSI regarding recommended advertising strategies.

Types of publicity include:

  • 口碑营销
  • Announcements in classes
  • Notices on an organization's social media page or website
  • Fliers posted in approved campus 位置s (Please refer to the Campus Posting Policy)
  • 明信片
  • t恤
  • Give-A-Ways-items printed with the event information (i.e., pens/hiliters/post-it notes/keychains/buttons)
  • 房产频道

All use must be in accordance with the “President’s Directive Regarding the Use of the State University Building and Grounds” whether University-related or not, and must follow those guidelines.  This directive can be found in the Academic Senate Handbook, Appendix C.